Doctors in Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic

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Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Specializes in the following services and procedures.

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About Dr. Habib Hair Transplant And Plastic Surgery Clinic

Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic is a PMC verified state-of-the-art hair transplant clinic located in the heart of Peshawar. The clinic is best knonw for hair transplant procedures. Dr Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery clinic Peshawar also offer cosmetic and skin related treatments. 


Dr. Habib Hair Transplant And Plastic Surgery Clinic Doctors List

Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Peshawar has excellent hair transplant surgeons and plastic surgeons.  The clinic's qualified staff  works hard to provide the best treatment for skin and hair issues. patients looking for affordable hair transplant procedure can visit Dr Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic for best hair treatments within affordable rates. 

Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Peshawar Timings

The Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Peshawar is operational 24/7. However, each specialist has specific timing for appointments and consultations.

Book an Appointment at Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Peshawar

Now, you can easily consult with the male and female doctors at Dr. Habib Hair Transplant and Plastic Surgery Clinic Peshawar by calling 042-32500989 or visiting Healthwire.