Doctors in Al-Shifa Eye Hospital

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General Physician in Al-Shifa Eye Hospital
General Physician

1 Doctors available in Al Shifa Eye Hospital

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Best General Physician in lahore - Dr. Farwa Hamza

Dr. Farwa Hamza

General Physician

  • 1 Years
    of Experience
  • 15-30 mins
    Wait Time
  • Al-Shifa Eye Hospital ( Raiwind ) Rs 500


Al-Shifa Eye Hospital Specializes in the following services and procedures.

Patient Experience Emergency Services Operation Theaters Pharmacy Blood Bank Waiting Area Parking Patients Rooms Ipd Opd

About Al Shifa Eye Hospital

Al-Shifa Eye Hospital is a PMC-verified hospital. It is located Near Baba Bahar Shah Masjid, Raiwind, Lahore. Patients at Al-Shifa Eye Hospital are provided with the best state of art eye care facilities.

Al-Shifa eye hospital aims to prevent eye health problems by providing standard, sustainable and affordable eye care services. Al-Shifa Eye hospital is operational from 9:30 am to 7 pm (Monday to Sunday).

Al Shifa Eye Hospital Doctors List

Al-Shifa Eye Hospital Lahore Doctors

Doctors and consultants of the Al-Shifa Eye Hospital are well-renowned, professional, and experienced. From skilled opthalmologist to committed eye surgeons, Al Shifa Eye Hospital provides premium services to all patients.